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wishing you're here ♥







break the silence


Ms Justine



please do not remove credits, thankyousomuchie
orangeeeeyy Missyan

Friday, October 26, 2012

finally i am blogging after 8 monthhhhs! 
this year is passing way so fast. no way. i haven enjoyed enough as a student!!
the first half of 2012 is quite an awesome year, with Dan and my awesome friends accompanying me throughout and everything else that's happening made it awesome.

i grabbed this picture from wherever you told me so. and i think you got a very dao face here.

so focused!!!

the last saturday of ur one week block leave. went to katong i12 for dinner. at 8pm?
cos you was busy sleeping and you ignored me!
had ramenplay and i personally think it's nice but the serving is too big that i got tired of it after i completed 3/4 of it. and the boy says ramenplay is not nice.
i think he just doesn't prefer jap food instead he wants pasta!!

i think i looked weird in this photo. i can't imagine myself wearing black frame specs next year!!

went to cdc to book my btt date! and its days to cny!

went to northpoint to meet silly after booking the test date.
 we are both fortunate that he got half day off and i'm free.
and i always have to travel to go find him. instead of the other way round.
hmmphs =(

i think i looked fat.
and i had my dad's company dinner that day so i am like out of the house for the whole day. 
from cdc to yishun to some hotel.


went to waichung house to bainian and his mom cooked some snacks for us. 
and the carrot cake that his parents made is awesome.

accompanied baby to dental check up. hope he will take off his braces soon. it's on his teeth for four years!!!! i don't know why he can tahan!! 
and hahahas, first time eating half boiled egg with him! look at him cracking the egg and his proud face!!
rubber band in his mouthhhhhhh.

here we go, on our way to ECP

we tried salted egg chicken for the first time anddddd guess what, we got hooked onto it.
and i'm hungry now! hahahahas.

schoool as usual. last few weeks of being a 2.2 student.
went yoshinoya with enyu cos she have got a craving for it! hahahas.

swensens with baby because i was craving for ice cream!!
he had banana split while i had sticky chocolate.

off we go, finally out with simone to bugis. and we had crystal jade's xiaolongbao for dinner and honeymoon desserts!
we took neoprints as well and i think my hair condition is getthing worst.

kfc breakfast on one of the days where we need to return to sch early!

Valentines day! 
went all the way to choa chu kang to meet Dan for dinner cos he only had 3.5 hours of nights out. 
and we had sakae for dinner!!!
everywhere was queues.
the bottle of stars from him. the number of stars = number of days we tgt till 1402! hehe.
mine present for him!

i miss my fringe.

at Jeannie's 21. 

do i look nicer like that?

finally a date where we wear nice nice; it was after my exams.
but i'm still feeling so stressed 

we finally went titanic exhibition!!!!

smiling like he is seeing gold!!

where are you looking at?? look at the camera!

the last wkn before I fly. met Jonathan to get some stuffs from bugis and then we went town to catch John Carter and had Nihon Mura for dinner and as usual when we are talking about nihon mura i will have no appetite. don't know why! 

woohooooo fully packed! but i brought the wrong shoes and socks there. feet were freezing. =(
and luckily i brought gloves over. it's really kind of freezing over there.

smelly lent me a faulty travel adapter. both times when i went Japan, i got a faulty adapter.
why oh why?
lucky i managed to loan from someone else there.

giant came and sent us offffffff. hahahahs thanks :)

hehehes always talk to him before i return to my hotel room and rest
and he helped me carry my lappy from singapore to japan and from japan to singapore and he brought it home!!

Bye Singapore!

i am back here!!!!!!!! it's been 4 years!!!

spot me!
hahahas i am taller than the train!!
first time taking this kind of trains!
and this train brought us up mount aso. taking routes that i've never take before when i was here 4 years back.

and here i am, at mount aso again!

that's me ahahahaa in the hotel using lappy.

we stayed in this hotel for 6days!!
room 305 @hotel Kamenoi!
hotel is alright but i just don't feel safe in this hotel!

eh this is nice.

plane making sessionnnnn! second day at kumamoto!! and is a sunday!
so i whatsapp-ed with baby the whole time!! and was not focused in doing the plane. oops.

lunch box!!

the last lunch in KNCT! hehehe tomato! my favorite!

this is delicious hahahas and its warm!! can keep me warm!

some bbq meal while we are on the way up to mount aso!

at Nishitetsu Inn. the hotel so fabulous!!! i wish we can stay there for a few more nights~

introducingggggggggggg.......................MACPORKKKKKKK hehehehe.

train ticket to the airport!!!

this scene is so familiar eh?

not nice!!!! booooooooo. disappointed.
but was feeling sick & i lost my voice.

the clouds look like marshmallow.

thanks for coming to bring me home and; help me unpack, find waichung and to the doctor. 
thanks don!!!

things i brought back from Japan!!! spent almost 500$!!!!

the meal i had on the day after i came back from Japan. 
and the earthquake really earthquake-d and splatter on to me and my phone got it!!!
my phone went sick after that but recover after awhile.

wearing this to chompppppppp2.
dinner with baby after i return from Japan!!

off to celebrate Karan's birthday!!

the giant huhs.

Birthday boy!!!! 
getting more and more guailan nowadays huh!!!

dinner on the weekend i am back in Sg!! lazy to go out and baby decided to cook for me. 
as usual, cps usual black crabmeat & spaghetti!

look at my cui-ed face... T.T

so hardworking!! baby doing his homework given by his sgt and doing it last minute.
so as he does his homework i slept cos i was really bored with his lappy down & him being busy.
i think i slept for 3-4 hours from 2+pm till 5+pm. and then dinner at his place and he booked in!!!!

heading to bugis~ for some random shopping but apparently never shop much.

the ear cap cps bought for me to put on my phone but i fear it drop so i keep it at home nowadays.

say hi to my hello kitty siblings~

my favorite dessert from honeymoon~

hi steamboat! haven steamboat for quite sometime already. but i always eat so little now. hmmphs.

ice skating and yes!!!! i didn't fall down this time. 
i think ice skating is very tiring. because i use alot of strength from preventing myself to fall.
because the giant and waichung is using all methods to make me fall!!

on my way to meet Simone and on his way to meet his loves.

met up with simone after i came back from Japan. like a finally but it's mostly me asking her out hmmphs.

"OI! you think i cannot see u taking photo of me isit" hahahah must be what simone is thinking.

lets spam some polaroids~

our very expensive meal at TCC. one of my favorite restaurant!!

one of my first time eating such dessert made by cps mom!
always dine at his place make me feel so paisehhh.
wonder how his family think of me!

he self-take a polaroid and i think his face very funny hahahaha. must be his hair!

giant went for some HTC-one competition and it last for 3d2n at Marina Square.
and i went down to support him!!!
such a sweet friend right? hehehe.

baby cooking barley for me~ hmm he put so much sugar. sweet die!

an impromptu dinner at ECP~ and we had stingray and fried salted chicken. and i force donovan to eat it hahaha. he can't take chilli.
then we went by the sea to chill and i am always scare i roll down or drop into the sea haha!

i miss my fringe~ i shouldn't have cut it that time!! now my hair starts to curl & i am lazy to go rebond/cut/manage it.

i don't like your face >,<

back at ramen play. cps doesn't like it here. he say the food not nice & expensive but i think its okay! the quantity like a lot and i always can't finish it.

and momsie day dinner at dian xiao er. my treat and it's around 80+$ :(
poorer than ever.

baby bought the iphone cover for me. and i am using it till now!! so proud of myself!!

rare fruit i get to see at home~

hi nur, hi enyu, my 2.2 best friends!
crazy daily! haven seen nur for sometime already.

how do i look here?

is short hair nicer?????? i think i will look older. oops.

baby went back with me for e2's photoshoot. yay!

i am tired of seeing straight hair!!!

went to pasirris park with baby since we are at dte and we had no where to go.
and apparently baby shitted all over him. the mud so fierce! i got it all over my legs as well and had a hard time washing them off. eeeeeeyuck!

happy birthday daddyyyyy~!

family photo!!! and i look big. hmmmm.

my hair here feels so straight!! but now :(

off to celebrate Franco's and Mel's birthday.
Fish & co dinner and then we had mind's cafe. we had a great time playing and laughing our ass off.
and i am glad my friends actually could accept cps~ heheh.


the two most important guys in my life.

ya i know you got a pimple there, stop showing to the whole world. spoilt my photo. hehehe.
u ugly i also love okay!!! just maintain ur size!!!!!

forever cute.

dinner at enyu's place the coffeeshop and then its k time! first time singing k. and i actually sang!!!
we went k cos enyu say she was feeling down and she wanted to sing so in the end we went to accompany her and throughout we found a superstar - Karan!!

my fringe at the right place and length i always wanted it to be!

went bugis with baby and had a free cab ride from his bro as they are heading to one of the hotel in bugis! i think i am fat!!!

chubbbbbbbbby! i kind of like this hairstyle.

finally baby brought me to sakae to satisfy my sushi cravings.
always giving in to me~

i passed my ftt = one step closer to getting a license!!! 
i studied for ftt more harder than i study for my exams! 
so worried i would fail but i pass eventually! one time yay!

ever since i started taking practical lessons i felt poorer than ever.
never ever felt so poor in my life before.
finally i learn that i need to save as and when i could and i am doing it now.
lesser cab rides and meals in restaurants!

hi ! ikea day with enyu! impromptu meet up. 

i wish i could have this. 
but 55$ for this, not worth it.

dinner with my two loves at marche! 
and i think marche food very oily and u will not wanna eat more after awhile.

and twelve cupcakes from cps~

another important guy in my life.

5 years &; counting!

hahaahas you think you cute!?
actually quite cute ley.

my 2.2 close friends. met up and went mind's cafe.
enjoyed an afternoon then we await the start of another term.

bought this for baby cos he kept saying he never tried macarons before!

met up with karan after he came back from China! and then went jalan kayu for prata dinner cos i never been there before. but me and enyu don't feel well when we are there. giddy, nauseous and headache. hmmphs. then cabbed back to hougang mall for dessert and also cause its the nearest mall to jalan kayu. 

went to karan house to celebrate jinghui's birthday. and we had steamboat at his place.
was thinking of sth more budget friendly and it seems like, this way is more budget friendly.
met in the morning to get things from ntuc and preparing the food till jh came. and then there we go, we started our first ever home-made steamboat. and then we had some games and everyone kept drinking water if they lost etc. and i had sprite till i have gastric. i hate drinking water during games cos i can't drink in one gulp!

i still think crystal jade xiao long bao taste nicer than dtf!

it's my treat cos i just received my pay and baby chose to dine at cafe cartel. and both of us had ribs. the portion of each is too much that we can't finish. and tutukueh from baby cos i said i was craving for it. hehes always so sweet.

look at donovan's hair~

can't maintain? hahaha.

me, don, waichung and franco had dinner at tcc bugis after school on one of the wednesday as there was a 1-1 offer from tcc! and that's wat we all had. despite the 1-1 offer, we still managed to have the bill at 120$!!!! so expensive. :(

some baby egg tarts from one of the shop at nex. 
i don't think it's nice because i don't like the tart. yuck. but the filling is nice.
went nex for dinner with enyu cause i wanted to buy bag and she say there got sell so we went there and i really managed to get a bag!! and it's gray in color!

gardens by the bay just had its opening and here i am to visit u! haha i think its quite amazing how it grow from an empty land to such.
though there is limited area for us to access i think it's enough for us to see.
i wanna go back and visit those domes and climb onto one of the bridge there. but i feel the charges there quite expensive.

yes enyu what are u thinking about?

goodnight, nap time in e2 but not forgetting about taking photos.

this was made my my dear enyu <3 huhs.="huhs." nbsp="nbsp" p="p" so="so" sweet="sweet">
and this was what i made when i was bored haha!

we met up on a saturday! because enyu didn't work~ 
went to shop around bugis area but i still didn't managed to find anything i like.
then we had dinner at kungfu paradise. the food was normal, nothing special. but the custard bun was amazing!!! but the choc lava cake is so dry and stiff. boooo.

dinner with family & cps at katong! parents first time eating here!

cookies making! my first attempt!!!
not bad!! and i think i can continue baking~ i think i am doing fine.

♥ min @ 23:27